Module: tf.keras.ops.linalg


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cholesky(...): Computes the Cholesky decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix.

det(...): Computes the determinant of a square tensor.

eig(...): Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix.

eigh(...): Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex Hermitian.

inv(...): Computes the inverse of a square tensor.

lu_factor(...): Computes the lower-upper decomposition of a square matrix.

norm(...): Matrix or vector norm.

qr(...): Computes the QR decomposition of a tensor.

solve(...): Solves a linear system of equations given by a x = b.

solve_triangular(...): Solves a linear system of equations given by a x = b.

svd(...): Computes the singular value decomposition of a matrix.