الفئة النهائية العامة الثابتة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder
Everything inside Experimental is subject to change and is not subject to API stability guarantees in https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/version_compat.نوع Protobuf
الأساليب العامة
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | addRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن) |
ConfigProto.Experimental | يبني () |
ConfigProto.Experimental | بناء جزئي () |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | واضح () |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearCollectiveDeterministicSequentialExecution () If true, make collective op execution order sequential and deterministic for potentially concurrent collective instances. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearCollectiveGroupLeader () Task name for group resolution. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearCollectiveNccl () If true, use NCCL for CollectiveOps. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearDisableOutputPartitionGraphs () If true, the session will not store an additional copy of the graph for each subgraph. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearDisableThreadSpinning () If using a direct session, disable spinning while waiting for work in the thread pool. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | كليرإنابليمليربريدج () This field will eventually be deprecated and replaced by mlir_bridge_rollout (b/166038521). |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearEnableMlirGraphOptimization () Whether to enable the MLIR-based Graph optimizations. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | نوع المنفذ الواضح () Which executor to use, the default executor will be used if it is an empty string or "DEFAULT" string executor_type = 3; |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearMlirBridgeRollout () This field is underdevelopment, for now use enable_mlir_bridge (b/166038521). |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearOptimizeForStaticGraph () If true, the session may treat the graph as being static for optimization purposes. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | كليرريكفبوفماكستشنك () Guidance to formatting of large RecvBuf fields for transfer. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | بيانات تعريف الجلسة الواضحة () Metadata about the session. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearShareClusterDevicesInSession () This was promoted to a non-experimental API. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearShareSessionStateInClusterspecPropagation () In the following, session state means the value of a variable, elements in a hash table, or any other resource, accessible by worker sessions held by a TF server. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearUseNumaAffinity () If true, and supported by the platform, the runtime will attempt to use NUMA affinity where applicable. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | ClearXlaFusionAutotunerThresh () Minimum number of batches run through the XLA graph before XLA fusion autotuner is enabled. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | استنساخ () |
منطقية | getCollectiveDeterministicSequentialExecution () If true, make collective op execution order sequential and deterministic for potentially concurrent collective instances. |
خيط | getCollectiveGroupLeader () Task name for group resolution. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | الحصول علىCollectiveGroupLeaderBytes () Task name for group resolution. |
منطقية | getCollectiveNccl () If true, use NCCL for CollectiveOps. |
ConfigProto.Experimental | |
النهائي الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
منطقية | getDisableOutputPartitionGraphs () If true, the session will not store an additional copy of the graph for each subgraph. |
منطقية | getDisableThreadSpinning () If using a direct session, disable spinning while waiting for work in the thread pool. |
منطقية | جيتينابليمليربريدج () This field will eventually be deprecated and replaced by mlir_bridge_rollout (b/166038521). |
منطقية | getEnableMlirGraphOptimization () Whether to enable the MLIR-based Graph optimizations. |
خيط | getExecutorType () Which executor to use, the default executor will be used if it is an empty string or "DEFAULT" string executor_type = 3; |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getExecutorTypeBytes () Which executor to use, the default executor will be used if it is an empty string or "DEFAULT" string executor_type = 3; |
ConfigProto.Experimental.MlirBridgeRollout | getMlirBridgeRollout () This field is underdevelopment, for now use enable_mlir_bridge (b/166038521). |
كثافة العمليات | getMlirBridgeRolloutValue () This field is underdevelopment, for now use enable_mlir_bridge (b/166038521). |
منطقية | getOptimizeForStaticGraph () If true, the session may treat the graph as being static for optimization purposes. |
كثافة العمليات | getRecvBufMaxChunk () Guidance to formatting of large RecvBuf fields for transfer. |
بيانات تعريف الجلسة | الحصول على بيانات تعريف الجلسة () Metadata about the session. |
SessionMetadata.Builder | getSessionMetadataBuilder () Metadata about the session. |
SessionMetadataOrBuilder | getSessionMetadataOrBuilder () Metadata about the session. |
منطقية | getShareClusterDevicesInSession () This was promoted to a non-experimental API. |
منطقية | getShareSessionStateInClusterspecPropagation () In the following, session state means the value of a variable, elements in a hash table, or any other resource, accessible by worker sessions held by a TF server. |
منطقية | getUseNumaAffinity () If true, and supported by the platform, the runtime will attempt to use NUMA affinity where applicable. |
طويل | getXlaFusionAutotunerThresh () Minimum number of batches run through the XLA graph before XLA fusion autotuner is enabled. |
منطقية | hasSessionMetadata () Metadata about the session. |
منطقية نهائية | تمت التهيئة () |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | دمج من (com.google.protobuf.Message أخرى) |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | دمج من (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | |
النهائي ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | دمجUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields) |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setCollectiveDeterministicSequentialExecution (قيمة منطقية) If true, make collective op execution order sequential and deterministic for potentially concurrent collective instances. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setCollectiveGroupLeader (قيمة السلسلة) Task name for group resolution. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setCollectiveGroupLeaderBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Task name for group resolution. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setCollectiveNccl (قيمة منطقية) If true, use NCCL for CollectiveOps. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setDisableOutputPartitionGraphs (قيمة منطقية) If true, the session will not store an additional copy of the graph for each subgraph. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setDisableThreadSpinning (قيمة منطقية) If using a direct session, disable spinning while waiting for work in the thread pool. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setEnableMlirBridge (قيمة منطقية) This field will eventually be deprecated and replaced by mlir_bridge_rollout (b/166038521). |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setEnableMlirGraphOptimization (قيمة منطقية) Whether to enable the MLIR-based Graph optimizations. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setExecutorType (قيمة السلسلة) Which executor to use, the default executor will be used if it is an empty string or "DEFAULT" string executor_type = 3; |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setExecutorTypeBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Which executor to use, the default executor will be used if it is an empty string or "DEFAULT" string executor_type = 3; |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن) |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setMlirBridgeRollout (قيمة ConfigProto.Experimental.MlirBridgeRollout ) This field is underdevelopment, for now use enable_mlir_bridge (b/166038521). |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setMlirBridgeRolloutValue (قيمة int) This field is underdevelopment, for now use enable_mlir_bridge (b/166038521). |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setOptimizeForStaticGraph (قيمة منطقية) If true, the session may treat the graph as being static for optimization purposes. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setRecvBufMaxChunk (قيمة int) Guidance to formatting of large RecvBuf fields for transfer. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، فهرس int، قيمة الكائن) |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setShareClusterDevicesInSession (قيمة منطقية) This was promoted to a non-experimental API. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setShareSessionStateInClusterspecPropagation (قيمة منطقية) In the following, session state means the value of a variable, elements in a hash table, or any other resource, accessible by worker sessions held by a TF server. |
النهائي ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields) |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setUseNumaAffinity (قيمة منطقية) If true, and supported by the platform, the runtime will attempt to use NUMA affinity where applicable. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder | setXlaFusionAutotunerThresh (قيمة طويلة) Minimum number of batches run through the XLA graph before XLA fusion autotuner is enabled. |
الطرق الموروثة
الأساليب العامة
عام ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder addRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearCollectiveDeterministicSequentialExecution ()
If true, make collective op execution order sequential and deterministic for potentially concurrent collective instances.
bool collective_deterministic_sequential_execution = 6;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearCollectiveGroupLeader ()
Task name for group resolution.
string collective_group_leader = 1;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearCollectiveNccl ()
If true, use NCCL for CollectiveOps. This feature is highly experimental.
bool collective_nccl = 7;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearDisableOutputPartitionGraphs ()
If true, the session will not store an additional copy of the graph for each subgraph. If this option is set to true when a session is created, the `RunOptions.output_partition_graphs` options must not be set.
bool disable_output_partition_graphs = 14;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearDisableThreadSpinning ()
If using a direct session, disable spinning while waiting for work in the thread pool. This may result in higher latency for completing ops, but in the case where there is a lot of spinning may result in lower CPU usage.
bool disable_thread_spinning = 9;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearEnableMlirBridge ()
This field will eventually be deprecated and replaced by mlir_bridge_rollout (b/166038521). Whether to enable the MLIR-based TF->XLA bridge. This is a replacement to the existing bridge, and not ready for production usage yet. If this option is set to true when a session is created, MLIR is used to perform the set of graph transformations to put the graph in a form that can be executed with delegation of some computations to an accelerator. This builds on the model of XLA where a subset of the graph is encapsulated and attached to a "compile" operation, whose result is fed to an "execute" operation. The kernel for these operations is responsible to lower the encapsulated graph to a particular device.
bool enable_mlir_bridge = 13;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearEnableMlirGraphOptimization ()
Whether to enable the MLIR-based Graph optimizations. This will become a part of standard Tensorflow graph optimization pipeline, currently this is only used for gradual migration and testing new passes that are replacing existing optimizations in Grappler.
bool enable_mlir_graph_optimization = 16;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearExecutorType ()
Which executor to use, the default executor will be used if it is an empty string or "DEFAULT"
string executor_type = 3;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder ClearField العام (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
عام ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder ClearMlirBridgeRollout ()
This field is underdevelopment, for now use enable_mlir_bridge (b/166038521). Whether to enable the MLIR-based TF->XLA bridge.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto.Experimental.MlirBridgeRollout mlir_bridge_rollout = 17;
عام ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearOptimizeForStaticGraph ()
If true, the session may treat the graph as being static for optimization purposes. If this option is set to true when a session is created, the full GraphDef must be passed in a single call to Session::Create(), and Session::Extend() may not be supported.
bool optimize_for_static_graph = 12;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearRecvBufMaxChunk ()
Guidance to formatting of large RecvBuf fields for transfer. Any positive value sets the max chunk size. 0 defaults to 4096. Any negative value indicates no max, i.e. one chunk only.
int32 recv_buf_max_chunk = 4;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearSessionMetadata ()
Metadata about the session. If set, this can be used by the runtime and the Ops for debugging, monitoring, etc. NOTE: This is currently used and propagated only by the direct session.
.tensorflow.SessionMetadata session_metadata = 11;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearShareClusterDevicesInSession ()
This was promoted to a non-experimental API. Please use ConfigProto.share_cluster_devices_in_session instead.
bool share_cluster_devices_in_session = 10;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearShareSessionStateInClusterspecPropagation ()
In the following, session state means the value of a variable, elements in a hash table, or any other resource, accessible by worker sessions held by a TF server. When ClusterSpec propagation is enabled, the value of isolate_session_state is ignored when deciding whether to share session states in a TF server (for backwards compatibility reasons). - If share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation is true, the session states are shared. - If share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation is false, session states are isolated. When clusterspec propagation is not used, the value of share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation is ignored when deciding whether to share session states in a TF server. - If isolate_session_state is true, session states are isolated. - If isolate_session_state is false, session states are shared. TODO(b/129330037): Add a single API that consistently treats isolate_session_state and ClusterSpec propagation.
bool share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation = 8;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearUseNumaAffinity ()
If true, and supported by the platform, the runtime will attempt to use NUMA affinity where applicable. One consequence will be the existence of as many CPU devices as there are available NUMA nodes.
bool use_numa_affinity = 5;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام ClearXlaFusionAutotunerThresh ()
Minimum number of batches run through the XLA graph before XLA fusion autotuner is enabled. Default value of zero disables the autotuner. The XLA fusion autotuner can improve performance by executing a heuristic search on the compiler parameters.
int64 xla_fusion_autotuner_thresh = 15;
getالمنطقية العامة getCollectiveDeterministicSequentialExecution ()
If true, make collective op execution order sequential and deterministic for potentially concurrent collective instances.
bool collective_deterministic_sequential_execution = 6;
سلسلة عامة getCollectiveGroupLeader ()
Task name for group resolution.
string collective_group_leader = 1;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString العامة getCollectiveGroupLeaderBytes ()
Task name for group resolution.
string collective_group_leader = 1;
getCollectiveNccl () المنطقية العامة
If true, use NCCL for CollectiveOps. This feature is highly experimental.
bool collective_nccl = 7;
النهائي العام الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType () العام
getDisableOutputPartitionGraphs () المنطقية العامة
If true, the session will not store an additional copy of the graph for each subgraph. If this option is set to true when a session is created, the `RunOptions.output_partition_graphs` options must not be set.
bool disable_output_partition_graphs = 14;
getDisableThreadSpinning () المنطقية العامة
If using a direct session, disable spinning while waiting for work in the thread pool. This may result in higher latency for completing ops, but in the case where there is a lot of spinning may result in lower CPU usage.
bool disable_thread_spinning = 9;
getEnableMlirBridge () المنطقية العامة
This field will eventually be deprecated and replaced by mlir_bridge_rollout (b/166038521). Whether to enable the MLIR-based TF->XLA bridge. This is a replacement to the existing bridge, and not ready for production usage yet. If this option is set to true when a session is created, MLIR is used to perform the set of graph transformations to put the graph in a form that can be executed with delegation of some computations to an accelerator. This builds on the model of XLA where a subset of the graph is encapsulated and attached to a "compile" operation, whose result is fed to an "execute" operation. The kernel for these operations is responsible to lower the encapsulated graph to a particular device.
bool enable_mlir_bridge = 13;
getEnableMlirGraphOptimization () المنطقية العامة
Whether to enable the MLIR-based Graph optimizations. This will become a part of standard Tensorflow graph optimization pipeline, currently this is only used for gradual migration and testing new passes that are replacing existing optimizations in Grappler.
bool enable_mlir_graph_optimization = 16;
سلسلة getExecutorType العامة ()
Which executor to use, the default executor will be used if it is an empty string or "DEFAULT"
string executor_type = 3;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString العامة getExecutorTypeBytes ()
Which executor to use, the default executor will be used if it is an empty string or "DEFAULT"
string executor_type = 3;
ConfigProto.Experimental.MlirBridgeRollout العامة getMlirBridgeRollout ()
This field is underdevelopment, for now use enable_mlir_bridge (b/166038521). Whether to enable the MLIR-based TF->XLA bridge.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto.Experimental.MlirBridgeRollout mlir_bridge_rollout = 17;
int العام getMlirBridgeRolloutValue ()
This field is underdevelopment, for now use enable_mlir_bridge (b/166038521). Whether to enable the MLIR-based TF->XLA bridge.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto.Experimental.MlirBridgeRollout mlir_bridge_rollout = 17;
getOptimizeForStaticGraph () المنطقية العامة
If true, the session may treat the graph as being static for optimization purposes. If this option is set to true when a session is created, the full GraphDef must be passed in a single call to Session::Create(), and Session::Extend() may not be supported.
bool optimize_for_static_graph = 12;
int العام getRecvBufMaxChunk ()
Guidance to formatting of large RecvBuf fields for transfer. Any positive value sets the max chunk size. 0 defaults to 4096. Any negative value indicates no max, i.e. one chunk only.
int32 recv_buf_max_chunk = 4;
getSessionMetadata العامة ()
Metadata about the session. If set, this can be used by the runtime and the Ops for debugging, monitoring, etc. NOTE: This is currently used and propagated only by the direct session.
.tensorflow.SessionMetadata session_metadata = 11;
جلسة عامة Metadata.Builder getSessionMetadataBuilder ()
Metadata about the session. If set, this can be used by the runtime and the Ops for debugging, monitoring, etc. NOTE: This is currently used and propagated only by the direct session.
.tensorflow.SessionMetadata session_metadata = 11;
جلسة عامة MetadataOrBuilder getSessionMetadataOrBuilder ()
Metadata about the session. If set, this can be used by the runtime and the Ops for debugging, monitoring, etc. NOTE: This is currently used and propagated only by the direct session.
.tensorflow.SessionMetadata session_metadata = 11;
getShareClusterDevicesInSession () المنطقية العامة
This was promoted to a non-experimental API. Please use ConfigProto.share_cluster_devices_in_session instead.
bool share_cluster_devices_in_session = 10;
getShareSessionStateInClusterspecPropagation () المنطقية العامة
In the following, session state means the value of a variable, elements in a hash table, or any other resource, accessible by worker sessions held by a TF server. When ClusterSpec propagation is enabled, the value of isolate_session_state is ignored when deciding whether to share session states in a TF server (for backwards compatibility reasons). - If share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation is true, the session states are shared. - If share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation is false, session states are isolated. When clusterspec propagation is not used, the value of share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation is ignored when deciding whether to share session states in a TF server. - If isolate_session_state is true, session states are isolated. - If isolate_session_state is false, session states are shared. TODO(b/129330037): Add a single API that consistently treats isolate_session_state and ClusterSpec propagation.
bool share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation = 8;
getUseNumaAffinity () المنطقية العامة
If true, and supported by the platform, the runtime will attempt to use NUMA affinity where applicable. One consequence will be the existence of as many CPU devices as there are available NUMA nodes.
bool use_numa_affinity = 5;
public long getXlaFusionAutotunerThresh ()
Minimum number of batches run through the XLA graph before XLA fusion autotuner is enabled. Default value of zero disables the autotuner. The XLA fusion autotuner can improve performance by executing a heuristic search on the compiler parameters.
int64 xla_fusion_autotuner_thresh = 15;
hasSessionMetadata () المنطقية العامة
Metadata about the session. If set, this can be used by the runtime and the Ops for debugging, monitoring, etc. NOTE: This is currently used and propagated only by the direct session.
.tensorflow.SessionMetadata session_metadata = 11;
تمت تهيئة القيمة المنطقية النهائية العامة ()
عام ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IOEException |
عام ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder mergeSessionMetadata (قيمة SessionMetadata )
Metadata about the session. If set, this can be used by the runtime and the Ops for debugging, monitoring, etc. NOTE: This is currently used and propagated only by the direct session.
.tensorflow.SessionMetadata session_metadata = 11;
النهائي العام ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetUnknownFields)
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة CollectiveDeterministicSequentialExecution (قيمة منطقية)
If true, make collective op execution order sequential and deterministic for potentially concurrent collective instances.
bool collective_deterministic_sequential_execution = 6;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة setCollectiveGroupLeader (قيمة السلسلة)
Task name for group resolution.
string collective_group_leader = 1;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة CollectiveGroupLeaderBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Task name for group resolution.
string collective_group_leader = 1;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة CollectiveNccl (قيمة منطقية)
If true, use NCCL for CollectiveOps. This feature is highly experimental.
bool collective_nccl = 7;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة DisableOutputPartitionGraphs (قيمة منطقية)
If true, the session will not store an additional copy of the graph for each subgraph. If this option is set to true when a session is created, the `RunOptions.output_partition_graphs` options must not be set.
bool disable_output_partition_graphs = 14;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة DisableThreadSpinning (قيمة منطقية)
If using a direct session, disable spinning while waiting for work in the thread pool. This may result in higher latency for completing ops, but in the case where there is a lot of spinning may result in lower CPU usage.
bool disable_thread_spinning = 9;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة EnableMlirBridge (قيمة منطقية)
This field will eventually be deprecated and replaced by mlir_bridge_rollout (b/166038521). Whether to enable the MLIR-based TF->XLA bridge. This is a replacement to the existing bridge, and not ready for production usage yet. If this option is set to true when a session is created, MLIR is used to perform the set of graph transformations to put the graph in a form that can be executed with delegation of some computations to an accelerator. This builds on the model of XLA where a subset of the graph is encapsulated and attached to a "compile" operation, whose result is fed to an "execute" operation. The kernel for these operations is responsible to lower the encapsulated graph to a particular device.
bool enable_mlir_bridge = 13;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة EnableMlirGraphOptimization (قيمة منطقية)
Whether to enable the MLIR-based Graph optimizations. This will become a part of standard Tensorflow graph optimization pipeline, currently this is only used for gradual migration and testing new passes that are replacing existing optimizations in Grappler.
bool enable_mlir_graph_optimization = 16;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العام setExecutorType (قيمة السلسلة)
Which executor to use, the default executor will be used if it is an empty string or "DEFAULT"
string executor_type = 3;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder setExecutorTypeBytes العام (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Which executor to use, the default executor will be used if it is an empty string or "DEFAULT"
string executor_type = 3;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder setField العام (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة MlirBridgeRollout (قيمة ConfigProto.Experimental.MlirBridgeRollout )
This field is underdevelopment, for now use enable_mlir_bridge (b/166038521). Whether to enable the MLIR-based TF->XLA bridge.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto.Experimental.MlirBridgeRollout mlir_bridge_rollout = 17;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة MlirBridgeRolloutValue (قيمة int)
This field is underdevelopment, for now use enable_mlir_bridge (b/166038521). Whether to enable the MLIR-based TF->XLA bridge.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto.Experimental.MlirBridgeRollout mlir_bridge_rollout = 17;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة OptimizeForStaticGraph (قيمة منطقية)
If true, the session may treat the graph as being static for optimization purposes. If this option is set to true when a session is created, the full GraphDef must be passed in a single call to Session::Create(), and Session::Extend() may not be supported.
bool optimize_for_static_graph = 12;
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة setRecvBufMaxChunk (قيمة int)
Guidance to formatting of large RecvBuf fields for transfer. Any positive value sets the max chunk size. 0 defaults to 4096. Any negative value indicates no max, i.e. one chunk only.
int32 recv_buf_max_chunk = 4;
public ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder setRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، مؤشر int، قيمة الكائن)
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة SessionMetadata (قيمة SessionMetadata )
Metadata about the session. If set, this can be used by the runtime and the Ops for debugging, monitoring, etc. NOTE: This is currently used and propagated only by the direct session.
.tensorflow.SessionMetadata session_metadata = 11;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة SessionMetadata ( SessionMetadata.Builder builderForValue)
Metadata about the session. If set, this can be used by the runtime and the Ops for debugging, monitoring, etc. NOTE: This is currently used and propagated only by the direct session.
.tensorflow.SessionMetadata session_metadata = 11;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة ShareClusterDevicesInSession (قيمة منطقية)
This was promoted to a non-experimental API. Please use ConfigProto.share_cluster_devices_in_session instead.
bool share_cluster_devices_in_session = 10;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة ShareSessionStateInClusterspecPropagation (قيمة منطقية)
In the following, session state means the value of a variable, elements in a hash table, or any other resource, accessible by worker sessions held by a TF server. When ClusterSpec propagation is enabled, the value of isolate_session_state is ignored when deciding whether to share session states in a TF server (for backwards compatibility reasons). - If share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation is true, the session states are shared. - If share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation is false, session states are isolated. When clusterspec propagation is not used, the value of share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation is ignored when deciding whether to share session states in a TF server. - If isolate_session_state is true, session states are isolated. - If isolate_session_state is false, session states are shared. TODO(b/129330037): Add a single API that consistently treats isolate_session_state and ClusterSpec propagation.
bool share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation = 8;
النهائي العام ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetUnknownFields)
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة UseNumaAffinity (قيمة منطقية)
If true, and supported by the platform, the runtime will attempt to use NUMA affinity where applicable. One consequence will be the existence of as many CPU devices as there are available NUMA nodes.
bool use_numa_affinity = 5;
مجموعة ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder العامة XlaFusionAutotunerThresh (قيمة طويلة)
Minimum number of batches run through the XLA graph before XLA fusion autotuner is enabled. Default value of zero disables the autotuner. The XLA fusion autotuner can improve performance by executing a heuristic search on the compiler parameters.
int64 xla_fusion_autotuner_thresh = 15;