
کلاس نهایی استاتیک عمومی FunctionDef.Builder

 A function can be instantiated when the runtime can bind every attr
 with a value. When a GraphDef has a call to a function, it must
 have binding for every attr defined in the signature.
   * device spec, etc.
Protobuf نوع tensorflow.FunctionDef

روش های عمومی

addAllNodeDef (Iterable<? مقادیر NodeDef > را گسترش می دهد)
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
addNodeDef (مقدار NodeDef )
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
addNodeDef ( NodeDef.Builder builderForValue)
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
addNodeDef (int index، NodeDef.Builder builderForValue)
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
addNodeDef (شاخص int، مقدار NodeDef )
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
addNodeDefBuilder ()
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
addNodeDefBuilder (شاخص int)
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
addRepeatedField ( فیلد، مقدار Object)
clearField (فیلد
clearNodeDef ()
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
clearOneof ( oneof)
امضای روشن ()
 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
حاوی ArgAttr (کلید int)
map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;
containAttr (کلید رشته)
 Attributes specific to this function definition.
containControlRet (کلید رشته)
 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
حاویResourceArgUniqueId (کلید int)
 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources.
containRet (کلید رشته)
 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
Map<Integer, FunctionDef.ArgAttrs >
getArgAttr ()
به جای آن getArgAttrMap() استفاده کنید.
بین المللی
getArgAttrCount ()
map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;
Map<Integer, FunctionDef.ArgAttrs >
getArgAttrMap ()
map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;
getArgAttrOrDefault (کلید int، مقدار پیش فرض FunctionDef.ArgAttrs )
map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;
getArgAttrOrThrow (کلید int)
map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;
Map<String, AttrValue >
getAttr ()
به جای آن از getAttrMap() استفاده کنید.
بین المللی
getAttrCount ()
 Attributes specific to this function definition.
Map<String, AttrValue >
getAttrMap ()
 Attributes specific to this function definition.
getAttrOrDefault (کلید رشته، مقدار پیش فرض AttrValue )
 Attributes specific to this function definition.
getAttrOrThrow (کلید رشته)
 Attributes specific to this function definition.
نقشه<رشته، رشته>
getControlRet ()
به جای آن getControlRetMap() استفاده کنید.
بین المللی
getControlRetCount ()
 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
نقشه<رشته، رشته>
getControlRetMap ()
 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
getControlRetOrDefault (کلید رشته، مقدار پیش فرض رشته)
 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
getControlRetOrThrow (کلید رشته)
 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
نهایی static
Map<Integer, FunctionDef.ArgAttrs >
getMutableArgAttr ()
به جای آن از ابزارهای جهش جایگزین استفاده کنید.
Map<String, AttrValue >
getMutableAttr ()
به جای آن از ابزارهای جهش جایگزین استفاده کنید.
نقشه<رشته، رشته>
getMutableControlRet ()
به جای آن از ابزارهای جهش جایگزین استفاده کنید.
نقشه<Integer, Integer>
getMutableResourceArgUniqueId ()
به جای آن از ابزارهای جهش جایگزین استفاده کنید.
نقشه<رشته، رشته>
getMutableRet ()
به جای آن از ابزارهای جهش جایگزین استفاده کنید.
getNodeDef (شاخص int)
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
getNodeDefBuilder (شاخص int)
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
List< NodeDef.Builder >
getNodeDefBuilderList ()
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
بین المللی
getNodeDefCount ()
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
لیست < NodeDef >
getNodeDefList ()
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
getNodeDefOrBuilder (شاخص int)
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
لیست<? NodeDefOrBuilder > را گسترش می دهد
getNodeDefOrBuilderList ()
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
نقشه<Integer, Integer>
getResourceArgUniqueId ()
به جای آن getResourceArgUniqueIdMap() استفاده کنید.
بین المللی
getResourceArgUniqueIdCount ()
 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources.
نقشه<Integer, Integer>
getResourceArgUniqueIdMap ()
 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources.
بین المللی
getResourceArgUniqueIdOrDefault (کلید int، مقدار پیش فرض int)
 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources.
بین المللی
getResourceArgUniqueIdOrThrow (کلید int)
 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources.
نقشه<رشته، رشته>
getRet ()
به جای آن از getRetMap() استفاده کنید.
بین المللی
getRetCount ()
 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
نقشه<رشته، رشته>
getRetMap ()
 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
getRetOrDefault (کلید رشته، مقدار پیش‌فرض رشته)
 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
getRetOrThrow (کلید رشته)
 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
دریافت امضا ()
 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
getSignatureBuilder ()
 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
getSignatureOrBuilder ()
 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
دارای امضا ()
 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
بولی نهایی
mergeFrom ( other)
mergeFrom (ورودی، extensionRegistry)
mergeSignature (مقدار OpDef )
 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
FunctionDef.Builder نهایی
mergeUnknownFields (
putAllArgAttr (Map<Integer, FunctionDef.ArgAttrs > مقادیر)
map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;
putAllAttr (Map<String, AttrValue > مقادیر)
 Attributes specific to this function definition.
putAllControlRet (مقادیر Map<String, String>)
 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
putAllResourceArgUniqueId (مقادیر Map<Integer, Integer>)
 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources.
putAllRet (مقادیر Map<String, String>)
 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
putArgAttr (کلید int، مقدار FunctionDef.ArgAttr )
map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;
putAttr (کلید رشته، مقدار AttrValue )
 Attributes specific to this function definition.
putControlRet (کلید رشته، مقدار رشته)
 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
putResourceArgUniqueId (کلید int، مقدار int)
 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources.
putRet (کلید رشته، مقدار رشته)
 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
removeArgAttr (کلید int)
map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;
removeAttr (کلید رشته)
 Attributes specific to this function definition.
removeControlRet (کلید رشته)
 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
removeNodeDef (شاخص int)
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
removeResourceArgUniqueId (کلید int)
 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources.
removeRet (کلید رشته)
 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
setField ( فیلد، مقدار Object)
setNodeDef (int index، NodeDef.Builder builderForValue)
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
setNodeDef (شاخص int، مقدار NodeDef )
 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first.
setRepeatedField (، نمایه int، مقدار Object)
setSignature (مقدار OpDef )
 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
setSignature ( OpDef.Builder builderForValue)
 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
نهایی FunctionDef.Builder
setUnknownFields (

روش های ارثی

روش های عمومی

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder addAllNodeDef (Iterable<? مقادیر NodeDef > را گسترش می دهد)

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder addNodeDef (مقدار NodeDef )

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder addNodeDef ( NodeDef.Builder builderForValue)

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder addNodeDef (int index, NodeDef.Builder builderForValue)

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder addNodeDef (شاخص int، مقدار NodeDef )

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی NodeDef.Builder addNodeDefBuilder ()

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی NodeDef.Builder addNodeDefBuilder (int index)

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder addRepeatedField (فیلد، مقدار Object)

ساخت عمومی FunctionDef ()

عمومی FunctionDef buildPartial ()

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder روشن ()

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder clearArgAttr ()

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder clearAttr ()

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder clearControlRet ()

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder clearField (فیلد

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder clearNodeDef ()

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder clearResourceArgUniqueId ()

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder clearRet ()

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder clearSignature ()

 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
.tensorflow.OpDef signature = 1;

کلون عمومی FunctionDef.Builder ()

بولین عمومی حاوی ArgAttr (کلید int)

map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;

بولین عمومی حاویAttr (کلید رشته)

 Attributes specific to this function definition.
map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;

بولی عمومی containControlRet (کلید رشته)

 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
map<string, string> control_ret = 6;

بولین عمومی حاویResourceArgUniqueId (کلید int)

 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources. If
 Argument A and Argument B alias each other, then
 resource_arg_unique_ids[A.index] == resource_arg_unique_ids[B.index].
 If this field is empty, none of the arguments could alias; otherwise, every
 resource argument should have an entry in this field.
 When instantiated, the unique IDs will be attached to the _Arg nodes'
 "_resource_arg_unique_id" attribute.
map<uint32, uint32> resource_arg_unique_id = 8;

بولی عمومی containRet (کلید رشته)

 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
map<string, string> ret = 4;

نقشه عمومی<Integer, FunctionDef.ArgAttrs > getArgAttr ()

به جای آن getArgAttrMap() استفاده کنید.

عمومی int getArgAttrCount ()

map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;

نقشه عمومی<Integer, FunctionDef.ArgAttrs > getArgAttrMap ()

map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;

عمومی FunctionDef.ArgAttrs getArgAttrOrDefault (کلید int، مقدار پیش فرض FunctionDef.ArgAttrs )

map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;

عمومی FunctionDef.ArgAttrs getArgAttrOrThrow (کلید int)

map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;

نقشه عمومی<String, AttrValue > getAttr ()

به جای آن از getAttrMap() استفاده کنید.

عمومی int getAttrCount ()

 Attributes specific to this function definition.
map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;

نقشه عمومی<String, AttrValue > getAttrMap ()

 Attributes specific to this function definition.
map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;

عمومی AttrValue getAttrOrDefault (کلید رشته، AttrValue defaultValue)

 Attributes specific to this function definition.
map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;

عمومی AttrValue getAttrOrThrow (کلید رشته)

 Attributes specific to this function definition.
map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;

نقشه عمومی<String, String> getControlRet ()

به جای آن getControlRetMap() استفاده کنید.

عمومی int getControlRetCount ()

 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
map<string, string> control_ret = 6;

نقشه عمومی<String, String> getControlRetMap ()

 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
map<string, string> control_ret = 6;

رشته عمومی getControlRetOrDefault (کلید رشته، مقدار پیش فرض رشته)

 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
map<string, string> control_ret = 6;

رشته عمومی getControlRetOrThrow (کلید رشته)

 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
map<string, string> control_ret = 6;

عمومی FunctionDef getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor ()

عمومی getDescriptorForType ()

نقشه عمومی<Integer, FunctionDef.ArgAttrs > getMutableArgAttr ()

به جای آن از ابزارهای جهش جایگزین استفاده کنید.

نقشه عمومی<String, AttrValue > getMutableAttr ()

به جای آن از ابزارهای جهش جایگزین استفاده کنید.

نقشه عمومی<String, String> getMutableControlRet ()

به جای آن از ابزارهای جهش جایگزین استفاده کنید.

نقشه عمومی<Integer, Integer> getMutableResourceArgUniqueId ()

به جای آن از ابزارهای جهش جایگزین استفاده کنید.

نقشه عمومی<String, String> getMutableRet ()

به جای آن از ابزارهای جهش جایگزین استفاده کنید.

عمومی NodeDef getNodeDef (int index)

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی NodeDef.Builder getNodeDefBuilder (int index)

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

لیست عمومی < NodeDef.Builder > getNodeDefBuilderList ()

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی int getNodeDefCount ()

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

لیست عمومی< NodeDef > getNodeDefList ()

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی NodeDefOrBuilder getNodeDefOrBuilder (int index)

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

لیست عمومی<? NodeDefOrBuilder را گسترش می دهد > getNodeDefOrBuilderList ()

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

نقشه عمومی<Integer, Integer> getResourceArgUniqueId ()

به جای آن getResourceArgUniqueIdMap() استفاده کنید.

عمومی int getResourceArgUniqueIdCount ()

 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources. If
 Argument A and Argument B alias each other, then
 resource_arg_unique_ids[A.index] == resource_arg_unique_ids[B.index].
 If this field is empty, none of the arguments could alias; otherwise, every
 resource argument should have an entry in this field.
 When instantiated, the unique IDs will be attached to the _Arg nodes'
 "_resource_arg_unique_id" attribute.
map<uint32, uint32> resource_arg_unique_id = 8;

نقشه عمومی<Integer, Integer> getResourceArgUniqueIdMap ()

 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources. If
 Argument A and Argument B alias each other, then
 resource_arg_unique_ids[A.index] == resource_arg_unique_ids[B.index].
 If this field is empty, none of the arguments could alias; otherwise, every
 resource argument should have an entry in this field.
 When instantiated, the unique IDs will be attached to the _Arg nodes'
 "_resource_arg_unique_id" attribute.
map<uint32, uint32> resource_arg_unique_id = 8;

عمومی int getResourceArgUniqueIdOrDefault (کلید int، مقدار پیش فرض int)

 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources. If
 Argument A and Argument B alias each other, then
 resource_arg_unique_ids[A.index] == resource_arg_unique_ids[B.index].
 If this field is empty, none of the arguments could alias; otherwise, every
 resource argument should have an entry in this field.
 When instantiated, the unique IDs will be attached to the _Arg nodes'
 "_resource_arg_unique_id" attribute.
map<uint32, uint32> resource_arg_unique_id = 8;

عمومی int getResourceArgUniqueIdOrThrow (کلید int)

 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources. If
 Argument A and Argument B alias each other, then
 resource_arg_unique_ids[A.index] == resource_arg_unique_ids[B.index].
 If this field is empty, none of the arguments could alias; otherwise, every
 resource argument should have an entry in this field.
 When instantiated, the unique IDs will be attached to the _Arg nodes'
 "_resource_arg_unique_id" attribute.
map<uint32, uint32> resource_arg_unique_id = 8;

نقشه عمومی<String, String> getRet ()

به جای آن از getRetMap() استفاده کنید.

عمومی int getRetCount ()

 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
map<string, string> ret = 4;

نقشه عمومی<String, String> getRetMap ()

 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
map<string, string> ret = 4;

رشته عمومی getRetOrDefault (کلید رشته، مقدار پیش فرض رشته)

 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
map<string, string> ret = 4;

رشته عمومی getRetOrThrow (کلید رشته)

 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
map<string, string> ret = 4;

عمومی OpDef getSignature ()

 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
.tensorflow.OpDef signature = 1;

عمومی OpDef.Builder getSignatureBuilder ()

 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
.tensorflow.OpDef signature = 1;

OpDefOrBuilder عمومی getSignatureOrBuilder ()

 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
.tensorflow.OpDef signature = 1;

دارای امضای بولی عمومی ()

 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
.tensorflow.OpDef signature = 1;

بولین نهایی عمومی isInitialized ()

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder mergeFrom ( other)

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder mergeFrom ( ورودی، extensionRegistry)

پرتاب می کند

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder mergeSignature (مقدار OpDef )

 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
.tensorflow.OpDef signature = 1;

عمومی نهایی FunctionDef.Builder mergeUnknownFields (

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder putAllArgAttr (Map<Integer، FunctionDef.ArgAttrs > مقادیر)

map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder putAllAttr (Map<String, AttrValue > مقادیر)

 Attributes specific to this function definition.
map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder putAllControlRet (مقادیر Map<String, String>)

 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
map<string, string> control_ret = 6;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder putAllResourceArgUniqueId (مقادیر Map<Integer, Integer>)

 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources. If
 Argument A and Argument B alias each other, then
 resource_arg_unique_ids[A.index] == resource_arg_unique_ids[B.index].
 If this field is empty, none of the arguments could alias; otherwise, every
 resource argument should have an entry in this field.
 When instantiated, the unique IDs will be attached to the _Arg nodes'
 "_resource_arg_unique_id" attribute.
map<uint32, uint32> resource_arg_unique_id = 8;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder putAllRet (مقادیر Map<String, String>)

 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
map<string, string> ret = 4;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder putArgAttr (کلید int، مقدار FunctionDef.ArgAttr )

map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder putAttr (کلید رشته، مقدار AttrValue )

 Attributes specific to this function definition.
map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder putControlRet (کلید رشته، مقدار رشته)

 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
map<string, string> control_ret = 6;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder putResourceArgUniqueId (کلید int، مقدار int)

 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources. If
 Argument A and Argument B alias each other, then
 resource_arg_unique_ids[A.index] == resource_arg_unique_ids[B.index].
 If this field is empty, none of the arguments could alias; otherwise, every
 resource argument should have an entry in this field.
 When instantiated, the unique IDs will be attached to the _Arg nodes'
 "_resource_arg_unique_id" attribute.
map<uint32, uint32> resource_arg_unique_id = 8;

PutRet عمومی FunctionDef.Builder (کلید رشته، مقدار رشته)

 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
map<string, string> ret = 4;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder removeArgAttr (کلید int)

map<uint32, .tensorflow.FunctionDef.ArgAttrs> arg_attr = 7;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder removeAttr (کلید رشته)

 Attributes specific to this function definition.
map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder removeControlRet (کلید رشته)

 A mapping from control output names from `signature` to node names in
 `node_def` which should be control outputs of this function.
map<string, string> control_ret = 6;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder removeNodeDef (int index)

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder removeResourceArgUniqueId (کلید int)

 Unique IDs for each resource argument, used to track aliasing resources. If
 Argument A and Argument B alias each other, then
 resource_arg_unique_ids[A.index] == resource_arg_unique_ids[B.index].
 If this field is empty, none of the arguments could alias; otherwise, every
 resource argument should have an entry in this field.
 When instantiated, the unique IDs will be attached to the _Arg nodes'
 "_resource_arg_unique_id" attribute.
map<uint32, uint32> resource_arg_unique_id = 8;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder removeRet (کلید رشته)

 A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
 outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
map<string, string> ret = 4;

public FunctionDef.Builder setField ( فیلد، مقدار Object)

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder setNodeDef (int index, NodeDef.Builder builderForValue)

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder setNodeDef (شاخص int، مقدار NodeDef )

 By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
 user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
 be a builtin op.
repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder setRepeatedField (فیلد، نمایه int، مقدار Object)

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder setSignature (مقدار OpDef )

 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
.tensorflow.OpDef signature = 1;

عمومی FunctionDef.Builder setSignature ( OpDef.Builder builderForValue)

 The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
 attrs etc.
.tensorflow.OpDef signature = 1;

نهایی عمومی FunctionDef.Builder setUnknownFields (