الفئة النهائية العامة الثابتة NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo
نوع Protobuf tensorflow.NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo
فئات متداخلة
فصل | NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo.Builder | نوع Protobuf tensorflow.NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo |
الأساليب العامة
منطقية | يساوي (كائن كائن) |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | |
النهائي الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
خيط | getOriginalFuncNames (فهرس كثافة العمليات) This is intended to store the list of names of the functions from the original graph that this node was derived. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getOriginalFuncNamesBytes (فهرس كثافة العمليات) This is intended to store the list of names of the functions from the original graph that this node was derived. |
كثافة العمليات | getOriginalFuncNamesCount () This is intended to store the list of names of the functions from the original graph that this node was derived. |
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList | getOriginalFuncNamesList () This is intended to store the list of names of the functions from the original graph that this node was derived. |
خيط | getOriginalNodeNames (فهرس كثافة العمليات) Opaque string inserted into error messages created by the runtime. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getOriginalNodeNamesBytes (فهرس كثافة العمليات) Opaque string inserted into error messages created by the runtime. |
كثافة العمليات | getOriginalNodeNamesCount () Opaque string inserted into error messages created by the runtime. |
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList | getOriginalNodeNamesList () Opaque string inserted into error messages created by the runtime. |
كثافة العمليات | |
النهائي com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet | |
كثافة العمليات | رمز التجزئة () |
منطقية نهائية | تمت التهيئة () |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo.Builder | newBuilder (النموذج الأولي NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo ) |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo.Builder | منشئ جديد () |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo.Builder | |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | parseDelimitedFrom (إدخال InputStream) |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | parseDelimitedFrom (إدخال InputStream، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | parseFrom (بيانات ByteBuffer) |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | parseFrom (بيانات ByteBuffer، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream الإدخال) |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | parseFrom (بيانات البايت[]، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | parseFrom (بيانات com.google.protobuf.ByteString) |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | parseFrom (إدخال InputStream، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
ثابت NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.ByteString data، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
ثابت | محلل () |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo.Builder | إلى البناء () |
فارغ | writeTo (إخراج com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream) |
الطرق الموروثة
int النهائي الثابت العام ORIGINAL_FUNC_NAMES_FIELD_NUMBER
القيمة الثابتة: 2
العدد النهائي الثابت العام ORIGINAL_NODE_NAMES_FIELD_NUMBER
القيمة الثابتة: 1
الأساليب العامة
القيمة المنطقية العامة تساوي (Object obj)
النهائي العام الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
سلسلة getOriginalFuncNames العامة (فهرس كثافة العمليات)
This is intended to store the list of names of the functions from the original graph that this node was derived. For example if this node, say C, was result of a fusion of node A in function FA and node B in function FB, then `original_funcs` would be {FA, FB}. If the node is in the top level graph, the `original_func` is empty. This information, with the `original_node_names` can be used to map errors originating at the current ndoe to some top level source code.
repeated string original_func_names = 2;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString public getOriginalFuncNamesBytes (مؤشر int)
This is intended to store the list of names of the functions from the original graph that this node was derived. For example if this node, say C, was result of a fusion of node A in function FA and node B in function FB, then `original_funcs` would be {FA, FB}. If the node is in the top level graph, the `original_func` is empty. This information, with the `original_node_names` can be used to map errors originating at the current ndoe to some top level source code.
repeated string original_func_names = 2;
int public getOriginalFuncNamesCount ()
This is intended to store the list of names of the functions from the original graph that this node was derived. For example if this node, say C, was result of a fusion of node A in function FA and node B in function FB, then `original_funcs` would be {FA, FB}. If the node is in the top level graph, the `original_func` is empty. This information, with the `original_node_names` can be used to map errors originating at the current ndoe to some top level source code.
repeated string original_func_names = 2;
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList العامة getOriginalFuncNamesList ()
This is intended to store the list of names of the functions from the original graph that this node was derived. For example if this node, say C, was result of a fusion of node A in function FA and node B in function FB, then `original_funcs` would be {FA, FB}. If the node is in the top level graph, the `original_func` is empty. This information, with the `original_node_names` can be used to map errors originating at the current ndoe to some top level source code.
repeated string original_func_names = 2;
سلسلة getOriginalNodeNames العامة (فهرس كثافة العمليات)
Opaque string inserted into error messages created by the runtime. This is intended to store the list of names of the nodes from the original graph that this node was derived. For example if this node, say C, was result of a fusion of 2 nodes A and B, then 'original_node' would be {A, B}. This information can be used to map errors originating at the current node to some top level source code.
repeated string original_node_names = 1;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString العامة getOriginalNodeNamesBytes (مؤشر int)
Opaque string inserted into error messages created by the runtime. This is intended to store the list of names of the nodes from the original graph that this node was derived. For example if this node, say C, was result of a fusion of 2 nodes A and B, then 'original_node' would be {A, B}. This information can be used to map errors originating at the current node to some top level source code.
repeated string original_node_names = 1;
int public getOriginalNodeNamesCount ()
Opaque string inserted into error messages created by the runtime. This is intended to store the list of names of the nodes from the original graph that this node was derived. For example if this node, say C, was result of a fusion of 2 nodes A and B, then 'original_node' would be {A, B}. This information can be used to map errors originating at the current node to some top level source code.
repeated string original_node_names = 1;
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList العامة getOriginalNodeNamesList ()
Opaque string inserted into error messages created by the runtime. This is intended to store the list of names of the nodes from the original graph that this node was derived. For example if this node, say C, was result of a fusion of 2 nodes A and B, then 'original_node' would be {A, B}. This information can be used to map errors originating at the current node to some top level source code.
repeated string original_node_names = 1;
عام الحصول على بارسيرفورتايب ()
int public getSerializedSize ()
النهائي العام com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet getUnknownFields ()
كود التجزئة الدولي العام ()
تمت تهيئة القيمة المنطقية النهائية العامة ()
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo.Builder newBuilder العام الثابت (النموذج الأولي NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo )
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo العام الثابت parseDelimitedFrom (إدخال InputStream)
IOEException |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo الثابت العام parseDelimitedFrom (إدخال InputStream، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IOEException |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo العام الثابت parseFrom (بيانات ByteBuffer)
InvalidProtocolBufferException |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo الثابت العام، parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IOEException |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo الثابت العام، parseFrom (بيانات ByteBuffer، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
InvalidProtocolBufferException |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo العام الثابت parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input)
IOEException |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo الثابت العام، parseFrom (بيانات البايت []، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
InvalidProtocolBufferException |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo الثابت العام، parseFrom (بيانات com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
InvalidProtocolBufferException |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo الثابت العام، parseFrom (إدخال InputStream، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IOEException |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo الثابت العام، parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.ByteString data، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
InvalidProtocolBufferException |
ساكنة عامة محلل ()
الكتابة إلى الفراغ العام (إخراج com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream)
IOEException |