Tipo di protocollo tensorflow.Summary.Value
Metodi pubblici
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | addRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valore oggetto) |
Riepilogo.Valore | costruire () |
Riepilogo.Valore | buildPartial () |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | chiaro () |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | cancellaAudio () .tensorflow.Summary.Audio audio = 6; |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | clearField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | cancellaStoria () .tensorflow.HistogramProto histo = 5; |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | immagine chiara () .tensorflow.Summary.Image image = 4; |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | clearMetadati () Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | clearNodeName () This field is deprecated and will not be set. |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | clearObsoleteOldStyleIstogramma () bytes obsolete_old_style_histogram = 3; |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | clearSimpleValue () float simple_value = 2; |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | cancellaTag () Tag name for the data. |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | tensore chiaro () .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 8; |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | valorechiaro () |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | clone () |
Riepilogo.Audio | ottieni audio () .tensorflow.Summary.Audio audio = 6; |
Riepilogo.Audio.Builder | getAudioBuilder () .tensorflow.Summary.Audio audio = 6; |
Riepilogo.AudioOrBuilder | getAudioOrBuilder () .tensorflow.Summary.Audio audio = 6; |
Riepilogo.Valore | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor statico finale | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
IstogrammaProto | getHisto () .tensorflow.HistogramProto histo = 5; |
HistogramProto.Builder | getHistoBuilder () .tensorflow.HistogramProto histo = 5; |
HistogramProtoOrBuilder | getHistoOrBuilder () .tensorflow.HistogramProto histo = 5; |
Riepilogo.Immagine | ottieniimmagine () .tensorflow.Summary.Image image = 4; |
Riepilogo.Image.Builder | getImageBuilder () .tensorflow.Summary.Image image = 4; |
Riepilogo.ImageOrBuilder | getImageOrBuilder () .tensorflow.Summary.Image image = 4; |
Metadati di riepilogo | getMetadati () Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. |
SummaryMetadata.Builder | getMetadataBuilder () Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. |
SummaryMetadataOrBuilder | getMetadataOrBuilder () Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. |
Corda | getNodeNome () This field is deprecated and will not be set. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getNodeNameBytes () This field is deprecated and will not be set. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getObsoleteOldStyleIstogramma () bytes obsolete_old_style_histogram = 3; |
galleggiante | getSimpleValue () float simple_value = 2; |
Corda | getTag () Tag name for the data. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getTagBytes () Tag name for the data. |
TensoreProto | getTensore () .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 8; |
TensorProto.Builder | getTensorBuilder () .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 8; |
TensorProtoOrBuilder | getTensorOrBuilder () .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 8; |
Summary.Value.ValueCase | getValueCase () |
booleano | haAudio () .tensorflow.Summary.Audio audio = 6; |
booleano | hasHisto () .tensorflow.HistogramProto histo = 5; |
booleano | haImmagine () .tensorflow.Summary.Image image = 4; |
booleano | hasMetadata () Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. |
booleano | haTensore () .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 8; |
booleano finale | |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message altro) |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | mergeFrom (input com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, estensione com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLiteRegistry) |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | mergeMetadata (valore SummaryMetadata ) Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
finale Summary.Value.Builder | mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields) |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | setField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valore oggetto) |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | setMetadata ( SummaryMetadata.Builder builderForValue) Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | setMetadata (valore SummaryMetadata ) Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | setNodeName (valore stringa) This field is deprecated and will not be set. |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | setNodeNameBytes (valore com.google.protobuf.ByteString) This field is deprecated and will not be set. |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | setObsoleteOldStyleHistogram (valore com.google.protobuf.ByteString) bytes obsolete_old_style_histogram = 3; |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | setRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indice int, valore oggetto) |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | setSimpleValue (valore float) float simple_value = 2; |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | setTag (valore stringa) Tag name for the data. |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | setTagBytes (valore com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Tag name for the data. |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
Riepilogo.Valore.Builder | |
finale Summary.Value.Builder | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields) |
Metodi ereditati
Metodi pubblici
public Summary.Value.Builder addRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valore oggetto)
public Summary.Value.Builder clearMetadata ()
Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. Take note that many summary values may lack a metadata field. This is because the FileWriter only keeps a metadata object on the first summary value with a certain tag for each tag. TensorBoard then remembers which tags are associated with which plugins. This saves space.
.tensorflow.SummaryMetadata metadata = 9;
public Summary.Value.Builder clearNodeName ()
This field is deprecated and will not be set.
string node_name = 7;
public Summary.Value.Builder clearObsoleteOldStyleHistogram ()
bytes obsolete_old_style_histogram = 3;
public Summary.Value.Builder clearTag ()
Tag name for the data. Used by TensorBoard plugins to organize data. Tags are often organized by scope (which contains slashes to convey hierarchy). For example: foo/bar/0
string tag = 1;
public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
pubblico com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()
public SummaryMetadata getMetadata ()
Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. Take note that many summary values may lack a metadata field. This is because the FileWriter only keeps a metadata object on the first summary value with a certain tag for each tag. TensorBoard then remembers which tags are associated with which plugins. This saves space.
.tensorflow.SummaryMetadata metadata = 9;
public SummaryMetadata.Builder getMetadataBuilder ()
Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. Take note that many summary values may lack a metadata field. This is because the FileWriter only keeps a metadata object on the first summary value with a certain tag for each tag. TensorBoard then remembers which tags are associated with which plugins. This saves space.
.tensorflow.SummaryMetadata metadata = 9;
public SummaryMetadataOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder ()
Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. Take note that many summary values may lack a metadata field. This is because the FileWriter only keeps a metadata object on the first summary value with a certain tag for each tag. TensorBoard then remembers which tags are associated with which plugins. This saves space.
.tensorflow.SummaryMetadata metadata = 9;
stringa pubblica getNodeName ()
This field is deprecated and will not be set.
string node_name = 7;
pubblico com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNodeNameBytes ()
This field is deprecated and will not be set.
string node_name = 7;
public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getObsoleteOldStyleHistogram ()
bytes obsolete_old_style_histogram = 3;
public float getSimpleValue ()
float simple_value = 2;
public String getTag ()
Tag name for the data. Used by TensorBoard plugins to organize data. Tags are often organized by scope (which contains slashes to convey hierarchy). For example: foo/bar/0
string tag = 1;
pubblico com.google.protobuf.ByteString getTagBytes ()
Tag name for the data. Used by TensorBoard plugins to organize data. Tags are often organized by scope (which contains slashes to convey hierarchy). For example: foo/bar/0
string tag = 1;
hasAudio booleano pubblico ()
.tensorflow.Summary.Audio audio = 6;
pubblico booleano hasHisto ()
.tensorflow.HistogramProto histo = 5;
hasImage booleano pubblico ()
.tensorflow.Summary.Image image = 4;
hasMetadata booleano pubblico ()
Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. Take note that many summary values may lack a metadata field. This is because the FileWriter only keeps a metadata object on the first summary value with a certain tag for each tag. TensorBoard then remembers which tags are associated with which plugins. This saves space.
.tensorflow.SummaryMetadata metadata = 9;
hasTensor booleano pubblico ()
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 8;
public final booleano isInitialized ()
public Summary.Value.Builder mergeAudio (valore Summary.Audio )
.tensorflow.Summary.Audio audio = 6;
pubblico Summary.Value.Builder mergeFrom (input com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
IOException |
public Summary.Value.Builder mergeHisto (valore HistogramProto )
.tensorflow.HistogramProto histo = 5;
public Summary.Value.Builder mergeImage (valore Summary.Image )
.tensorflow.Summary.Image image = 4;
public Summary.Value.Builder mergeMetadata (valore SummaryMetadata )
Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. Take note that many summary values may lack a metadata field. This is because the FileWriter only keeps a metadata object on the first summary value with a certain tag for each tag. TensorBoard then remembers which tags are associated with which plugins. This saves space.
.tensorflow.SummaryMetadata metadata = 9;
pubblico finale Summary.Value.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields)
public Summary.Value.Builder setAudio ( Summary.Audio.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.Summary.Audio audio = 6;
pubblico Summary.Value.Builder setField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valore oggetto)
public Summary.Value.Builder setHisto (valore HistogramProto )
.tensorflow.HistogramProto histo = 5;
public Summary.Value.Builder setHisto ( HistogramProto.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.HistogramProto histo = 5;
public Summary.Value.Builder setImage ( Summary.Image.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.Summary.Image image = 4;
public Summary.Value.Builder setMetadata ( SummaryMetadata.Builder builderForValue)
Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. Take note that many summary values may lack a metadata field. This is because the FileWriter only keeps a metadata object on the first summary value with a certain tag for each tag. TensorBoard then remembers which tags are associated with which plugins. This saves space.
.tensorflow.SummaryMetadata metadata = 9;
public Summary.Value.Builder setMetadata (valore SummaryMetadata )
Contains metadata on the summary value such as which plugins may use it. Take note that many summary values may lack a metadata field. This is because the FileWriter only keeps a metadata object on the first summary value with a certain tag for each tag. TensorBoard then remembers which tags are associated with which plugins. This saves space.
.tensorflow.SummaryMetadata metadata = 9;
public Summary.Value.Builder setNodeName (valore stringa)
This field is deprecated and will not be set.
string node_name = 7;
pubblico Summary.Value.Builder setNodeNameBytes (valore com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
This field is deprecated and will not be set.
string node_name = 7;
public Summary.Value.Builder setObsoleteOldStyleHistogram (valore com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
bytes obsolete_old_style_histogram = 3;
public Summary.Value.Builder setRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indice int, valore oggetto)
public Summary.Value.Builder setTag (valore stringa)
Tag name for the data. Used by TensorBoard plugins to organize data. Tags are often organized by scope (which contains slashes to convey hierarchy). For example: foo/bar/0
string tag = 1;
pubblico Summary.Value.Builder setTagBytes (valore com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Tag name for the data. Used by TensorBoard plugins to organize data. Tags are often organized by scope (which contains slashes to convey hierarchy). For example: foo/bar/0
string tag = 1;
public Summary.Value.Builder setTensor ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 8;