The simple policy increases or decreases the step_size_var based on the
average of exp(minimum(0., log_accept_ratio)). It is based on
Section 4.2 of Andrieu and Thoms (2008).
The num_adaptation_steps argument is set independently of any burnin
for the overall chain. In general, adaptation prevents the chain from
reaching a stationary distribution, so obtaining consistent samples requires
num_adaptation_steps be set to a value somewhat smaller
than the number of burnin steps. However, it may sometimes be helpful to set
num_adaptation_steps to a larger value during development in order to
inspect the behavior of the chain during adaptation.
Scalar intTensor number of initial steps to
during which to adjust the step size. This may be greater, less than, or
equal to the number of burnin steps. If None, the step size is adapted
on every step (note this breaks stationarity of the chain!).
Tensor representing amount to downscale current
Default value: 0.01.
Tensor representing amount to upscale current
Default value: 0.01.
Scalar intVariable specifying the current step. The step
size is adapted iff step_counter < num_adaptation_steps.
Default value: if None, an internal variable
step_size_adaptation_step_counter is created and initialized to -1.
Callable that takes args
step_size_var, kernel_results and returns updated step size(s).