WARNING: The API is currently experimental and is not covered by TensorFlow API stability guarantees. See README.md for installation instructions.
The LabelImage example demonstrates use of this API to classify images using a pre-trained Inception architecture convolutional neural network. It demonstrates:
- Graph construction: using the OperationBuilder class to construct a graph to decode, resize and normalize a JPEG image.
- Model loading: Using Graph.importGraphDef() to load a pre-trained Inception model.
- Graph execution: Using a Session to execute the graphs and find the best label for an image.
Additional examples can be found in the tensorflow/java GitHub repository.
ExecutionEnvironment | Defines an environment for creating and executing TensorFlow Operation s. |
Graph.WhileSubgraphBuilder | Used to instantiate an abstract class which overrides the buildSubgraph method to build a conditional or body subgraph for a while loop. |
Operand<T> | Interface implemented by operands of a TensorFlow operation. |
Operation | Performs computation on Tensors. |
OperationBuilder | A builder for Operation s. |
EagerSession | An environment for executing TensorFlow operations eagerly. |
EagerSession.Options | |
Graph | A data flow graph representing a TensorFlow computation. |
GraphOperation | Implementation for an Operation added as a node to a Graph . |
GraphOperationBuilder | An OperationBuilder for adding GraphOperation s to a Graph . |
Output<T> | A symbolic handle to a tensor produced by an Operation . |
SavedModelBundle | SavedModelBundle represents a model loaded from storage. |
SavedModelBundle.Loader | Options for loading a SavedModel. |
Server | An in-process TensorFlow server, for use in distributed training. |
Session | Driver for Graph execution. |
Session.Run | Output tensors and metadata obtained when executing a session. |
Session.Runner | Run Operation s and evaluate Tensors . |
Shape | The possibly partially known shape of a tensor produced by an operation. |
Tensor<T> | A statically typed multi-dimensional array whose elements are of a type described by T. |
TensorFlow | Static utility methods describing the TensorFlow runtime. |
Tensors | Type-safe factory methods for creating Tensor objects. |
DataType | Represents the type of elements in a Tensor as an enum. |
EagerSession.DevicePlacementPolicy | Controls how to act when we try to run an operation on a given device but some input tensors are not on that device. |
EagerSession.ResourceCleanupStrategy | Controls how TensorFlow resources are cleaned up when they are no longer needed. |
TensorFlowException | Unchecked exception thrown when executing TensorFlow Graphs. |