
Public API for namespace.


class GFile: File I/O wrappers without thread locking.


copy(...): Copies data from src to dst.

exists(...): Determines whether a path exists or not.

get_registered_schemes(...): Returns the currently registered filesystem schemes.

glob(...): Returns a list of files that match the given pattern(s).

isdir(...): Returns whether the path is a directory or not.

join(...): Join one or more path components intelligently.

listdir(...): Returns a list of entries contained within a directory.

makedirs(...): Creates a directory and all parent/intermediate directories.

mkdir(...): Creates a directory with the name given by path.

remove(...): Deletes the path located at 'path'.

rename(...): Rename or move a file / directory.

rmtree(...): Deletes everything under path recursively.

stat(...): Returns file statistics for a given path.

walk(...): Recursive directory tree generator for directories.